edelsbrunner96 | |
iter | |
simplex | |
fcgi | Object-oriented wrapper around FCGX |
fiber | Simple template expression library for linear algebra |
cross_matrix | |
euler | |
fontconfig | |
endian | |
hint | |
key | |
lang | |
lcd | |
match | |
name | |
op | |
qual | |
result | |
rgba | |
setname | |
slant | |
str | |
type | |
weight | |
width | |
freetype | Root namespace for freetype |
curve_tag | A list of constants used to describe curve tags |
encoding | An enumeration used to specify character sets supported by charmaps. Used in the FT_Select_Charmap API function |
faceflag | A list of bit flags used in the ‘face_flags’ field of the FT_FaceRec structure. They inform client applications of properties of the corresponding face |
fstype | A list of bit flags used in the ‘fsType’ field of the OS/2 table in a TrueType or OpenType font and the ‘FSType’ entry in a PostScript font |
glyphformat | Namespace wrapper for GlyphFormat enumeration |
kerning_mode | An enumeration used to specify which kerning values to return in FT_Get_Kerning |
load | A list of bit-field constants used with FT_Load_Glyph to indicate what kind of operations to perform during glyph loading |
load_target | A list of values that are used to select a specific hinting algorithm to use by the hinter. You should OR one of these values to your ‘load_flags’ when calling FT_Load_Glyph |
pixelmode | Namespace wrapper for PixelMode enumeration |
render_mode | An enumeration type that lists the render modes supported by FreeType 2 |
size_request_type | Namespace wrapper for SizeRequestType |
styleflag | A list of bit-flags used to indicate the style of a given face. These are used in the ‘style_flags’ field of FT_FaceRec |
subglyph_flag | A list of constants used to describe subglyphs. Please refer to the TrueType specification for the meaning of the various flags |
kw | Classes and templates used by kwargs library |
details | |
mpblocks | |
brown79 | |
btps | |
clarkson93 | Implementation of RIC convex-hull construction (but not maintainance) algorithm by Clarkson (Computational Geometry, '93) |
dynamic | |
simplex | |
simplex | |
cuda | |
bitonic | |
linalg | |
linalg2 | |
dot_private | |
norm_private | |
ostream | |
product | |
polynomial | |
coefficient_key | |
derivative_detail | |
device_coefficient_key | |
device_param_key | |
intlist | |
param_key | |
polyval_detail | |
product_detail | |
scalarsum_detail | |
sturm2_detail | |
sturm3_detail | |
sturm_detail | |
cuda_cert | |
kernels | |
cudaNN | |
intr | |
kernels | |
dubins | |
curves_cuda | Classes for solving dubins curves, optimal primitives for shortest path between two states of a dubins vehicle |
intr | |
kernels | |
curves_eigen | Classes for solving dubins curves, optimal primitives for shortest path between two states of a dubins vehicle |
hyper | |
kd_tree | |
gjk88 | |
gtk | Support utilities for GTKmm |
kd2 | |
kd_tree | Implements a kd-tree, a multidimensional search tree for points |
blocks | |
euclidean | Search implementations for a euclean metric space, distance is euclidean distance, ball is a euclidean ball |
blocks | |
r2_s1 | Search implementations for the manifold {R}^2 S^1 , representing rigid bodies in 2d under translation and rotation |
blocks | |
path_util | |
polynomial | Polynomial arithmetic and algorithms with no dynamic memory access |
redblack | |
simplex_tree | Classes implemeting a simplex tree for proximity queries |
util | |
utility | |
nix | |
epoll | |
pthreads | Wraps posix-threads (pthreads.h) with object oriented API |
set |