cheshirekow  v0.1.0
mpblocks::dubins Namespace Reference


 classes for solving dubins curves, optimal primitives for shortest path between two states of a dubins vehicle
 classes for solving dubins curves, optimal primitives for shortest path between two states of a dubins vehicle


struct  a
 empty struct used to template "variant" of three arc primitives More...
struct  b
 empty struct used to template "variant" of three arc primitives More...
struct  DistanceAndId
 Encapsulates a solution distance along with the id of the path type, identifying the nature of the three arc segments in the path. More...
struct  IdToType
 converts a SolutionID and index 0,1,2 into a type More...
struct  IdToType< LRLa, 0 >
struct  IdToType< LRLa, 1 >
struct  IdToType< LRLa, 2 >
struct  IdToType< LRLb, 0 >
struct  IdToType< LRLb, 1 >
struct  IdToType< LRLb, 2 >
struct  IdToType< LSL, 0 >
struct  IdToType< LSL, 1 >
struct  IdToType< LSL, 2 >
struct  IdToType< LSR, 0 >
struct  IdToType< LSR, 1 >
struct  IdToType< LSR, 2 >
struct  IdToType< RLRa, 0 >
struct  IdToType< RLRa, 1 >
struct  IdToType< RLRa, 2 >
struct  IdToType< RLRb, 0 >
struct  IdToType< RLRb, 1 >
struct  IdToType< RLRb, 2 >
struct  IdToType< RSL, 0 >
struct  IdToType< RSL, 1 >
struct  IdToType< RSL, 2 >
struct  IdToType< RSR, 0 >
struct  IdToType< RSR, 1 >
struct  IdToType< RSR, 2 >
struct  L
 empty struct used to template "left turn" primitive More...
struct  Path
 Encodes a dubins path primitive, which is three connected arc segments. More...
struct  R
 empty struct used to template "right turn" primitive More...
struct  Result
 Encapsulates the solution distance along with a feasibility bit for a particular primitive solution. More...
struct  S
 empty struct used to template "straight" primitive More...
struct  TypeToId
 converts template paramters to SolutionID More...
struct  TypeToId< L, R, L, a >
struct  TypeToId< L, R, L, b >
struct  TypeToId< L, S, L, V >
struct  TypeToId< L, S, R, V >
struct  TypeToId< R, L, R, a >
struct  TypeToId< R, L, R, b >
struct  TypeToId< R, S, L, V >
struct  TypeToId< R, S, R, V >


enum  SolutionId {
  LRLa, LRLb, RLRa, RLRb,
 enumerates solution types More...


template<typename Format_t >
Path< Format_t > bestOf (const Path< Format_t > &r0, const Path< Format_t > &r1, const Format_t r)
template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t ccwArc (Format_t a, Format_t b)
 returns the counter clockwise (left) distance from a to b More...
template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t clampRadian (Format_t a)
 wraps the input onto [-pi,pi] More...
template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t cwArc (Format_t a, Format_t b)
 returns the clockwise (right) distance from a to b More...
template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t leftArc (Format_t a, Format_t b)
 returns the counter clockwise (left) distance from a to b More...
template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t rightArc (Format_t a, Format_t b)
 returns the clockwise (right) distance from a to b More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enumerates solution types


Definition at line 49 of file types.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename Format_t >
Path<Format_t> mpblocks::dubins::bestOf ( const Path< Format_t > &  r0,
const Path< Format_t > &  r1,
const Format_t  r 

Definition at line 96 of file path.h.

template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t mpblocks::dubins::ccwArc ( Format_t  a,
Format_t  b 

returns the counter clockwise (left) distance from a to b

Given two arc positions (in radians), return the arc distance from a to in the counter-clockwise direction.

Definition at line 51 of file funcs.hpp.

template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t mpblocks::dubins::clampRadian ( Format_t  a)

wraps the input onto [-pi,pi]

Definition at line 37 of file funcs.hpp.

template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t mpblocks::dubins::cwArc ( Format_t  a,
Format_t  b 

returns the clockwise (right) distance from a to b

Given two arc positions (in radians), return the arc distance from a to in the clockwise direction.

Definition at line 72 of file funcs.hpp.

template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t mpblocks::dubins::leftArc ( Format_t  a,
Format_t  b 

returns the counter clockwise (left) distance from a to b

Given two arc positions (in radians), return the arc distance from a to in the counter-clockwise direction.

Definition at line 64 of file funcs.hpp.

template<typename Format_t >
__host__ __device__ Format_t mpblocks::dubins::rightArc ( Format_t  a,
Format_t  b 

returns the clockwise (right) distance from a to b

Given two arc positions (in radians), return the arc distance from a to in the clockwise direction.

Definition at line 85 of file funcs.hpp.