cheshirekow  v0.1.0
mpblocks::clarkson93 Namespace Reference

Implementation of RIC convex-hull construction (but not maintainance) algorithm by Clarkson (Computational Geometry, '93) More...




struct  BitMember
 indicates membership into a number of sets by a bitfield More...
struct  BitMemberBase
 dummy class which allows us to use SNFINAE More...
struct  DefaultSimplex
 default simplex structure which contains no additional functionality More...
struct  ExampleTraits
 documents the interface for Traits : encapsulates various policies for the Triangulation More...
struct  ExampleTraits2
 documents the interface for Traits : encapsulates various policies for the Triangulation More...
struct  Facet2
 a subset of the vertices of a simplex More...
struct  HorizonRidge
 A horizon ridge is a d-2 dimensional facet (i.e. a facet of a facet),. More...
struct  Indexed
 priority queue node More...
struct  NeighborIterator
 an interator over neighbors in a simplex More...
struct  NeighborRange
 provides an iterator range for neighbors of a simplex More...
struct  OptDefined
 Template meta function evaluating whether or not a traits class specifies an optimization level. More...
struct  OptLevel
 simply maps a complile-time integer to a type More...
struct  OptLevelGet
 Template meta function evaluating the optimization level as specified by the traits class. More...
struct  OptLevelGet< T, false >
class  P_Queue
 A priority queue with a slightly more readable interface than from the STL. More...
struct  Simplex2
 A simplex is the convex hull of d+1 points in general position (IGP), i.e. they do not lie on the same hyperplane. More...
struct  SimplexBase
 encapsulates a vertex, simplex pair where the simplex is the neighbor across from the specified vertex More...
struct  SimplexOps
 implements simplex operations for simplex references, using other references can be easily extended by building on top of this class More...
class  Stack
class  Stack< T *, SetEnum >
struct  Stack< T, void >
struct  Surrogate
 surrogate for a certain value used in setters More...
struct  Triangulation
 misleadingly-named data structure, is actually a "simplexification", the dimension agnostic analog of a triangulation More...
struct  VertexIterator
 an interator over vertices in a simplex More...
struct  VertexRange
 provides an iterator range for vertices of a simplex More...
struct  WithoutSet


typedef simplex::Bits SimplexBits


enum  Orientation { INSIDE, OUTSIDE }


template<typename Index_t , typename Value_t >
bool operator< (const Indexed< Index_t, Value_t > &a, const Indexed< Index_t, Value_t > &b)
template<typename Index_t , typename Value_t >
bool operator> (const Indexed< Index_t, Value_t > &a, const Indexed< Index_t, Value_t > &b)


const int Dynamic = -1

Detailed Description

Implementation of RIC convex-hull construction (but not maintainance) algorithm by Clarkson (Computational Geometry, '93)

The algorithm builds a data structure representing the convex hull by Random Incremental Construction. An (extended) Triangulation of inserted points is maintained. The triangulation is extended in such a way that every point in $ \mathbb{R}^d $ is contained in some simplex. Specifically, every facet of the convex hull is in fact a member of two simplices. One, which is a normal simplex, is contained within the convex hull. The other lies outside the convex hull, and it's peak vertex is the so called 'anti-origin' (or vertex 'at infinity in CGAL speak).

See Also

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 58 of file Simplex.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 60 of file clarkson93.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename Index_t , typename Value_t >
bool mpblocks::clarkson93::operator< ( const Indexed< Index_t, Value_t > &  a,
const Indexed< Index_t, Value_t > &  b 

Definition at line 96 of file Indexed.h.

template<typename Index_t , typename Value_t >
bool mpblocks::clarkson93::operator> ( const Indexed< Index_t, Value_t > &  a,
const Indexed< Index_t, Value_t > &  b 

Definition at line 103 of file Indexed.h.

Variable Documentation

const int mpblocks::clarkson93::Dynamic = -1

Definition at line 58 of file clarkson93.h.