cheshirekow  v0.1.0
mpblocks::redblack::ExampleTraits::NodeOps Struct Reference

a callable type which implements the primitives required to access fields of a node More...

#include <mpblocks/redblack/example_traits.h>

Public Member Functions

Colorcolor (NodeRef N)
 return the color of node N More...
Keykey (NodeRef N)
 return the key associated with N More...
NodeRefleft (NodeRef N)
 return the left child of N More...
NodeRefparent (NodeRef N)
 return the parent node of N More...
NodeRefright (NodeRef N)
 return the right child of N More...
void swapKey (NodeRef a, NodeRef b)
 swap the keys in two nodes More...

Detailed Description

a callable type which implements the primitives required to access fields of a node

Definition at line 54 of file example_traits.h.

Member Function Documentation

Color& mpblocks::redblack::ExampleTraits::NodeOps::color ( NodeRef  N)

return the color of node N

Definition at line 56 of file example_traits.h.

Key& mpblocks::redblack::ExampleTraits::NodeOps::key ( NodeRef  N)

return the key associated with N

Definition at line 68 of file example_traits.h.

NodeRef& mpblocks::redblack::ExampleTraits::NodeOps::left ( NodeRef  N)

return the left child of N

Definition at line 62 of file example_traits.h.

NodeRef& mpblocks::redblack::ExampleTraits::NodeOps::parent ( NodeRef  N)

return the parent node of N

Definition at line 59 of file example_traits.h.

NodeRef& mpblocks::redblack::ExampleTraits::NodeOps::right ( NodeRef  N)

return the right child of N

Definition at line 65 of file example_traits.h.

void mpblocks::redblack::ExampleTraits::NodeOps::swapKey ( NodeRef  a,
NodeRef  b 

swap the keys in two nodes

Definition at line 71 of file example_traits.h.

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