cheshirekow  v0.1.0
mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper Namespace Reference




struct  HyperRect
 A hyper-rectangle in dubins space: A rectangular prism in R^3. More...
struct  Solver
 the default solver is instantated when not all three constraints are active and it simply dispatches the point-to-point solver More...
struct  Solver< OFF, OFF, OFF, Format_t >
 specialization for a single theta constraint (min or max) More...
struct  Solver< OFF, OFF, tSpec, Format_t >
 specialization for a single theta constraint (min or max) More...
struct  Solver< OFF, ySpec, OFF, Format_t >
 specialization for a single y constraint (min or max) More...
struct  Solver< OFF, ySpec, tSpec, Format_t >
 specialization for a single theta constraint (min or max) More...
struct  Solver< xSpec, OFF, OFF, Format_t >
 specialization for a single theta constraint (min or max) More...
struct  Solver< xSpec, OFF, tSpec, Format_t >
 specialization for a single theta constraint (min or max) More...
struct  Solver< xSpec, ySpec, OFF, Format_t >
 specialization for a single theta constraint (min or max) More...
struct  SolverIterator
 iterates over solvers and accumulates the solution More...
struct  SolverIterator< 3, ySpec, tSpec, Format_t >
 specialization to end template recursino More...
struct  SolverIterator< xSpec, 3, tSpec, Format_t >
 specialization to end template recursino More...
struct  SolverIterator< xSpec, ySpec, 3, Format_t >
 specialization to end template recursino More...
struct  SpecPack
struct  ThreeConstraintHelper


typedef unsigned int uint


enum  ConstraintSpec { OFF, MIN, MAX }


uint boolToSpec (bool min, bool max)
template<int xSpec, int ySpec, int tSpec, typename Format_t >
void build_target (const HyperRect< Format_t > &in, Eigen::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &out)
 returns either min or max element depending on spec More...
template<int spec, int idx, typename Format_t >
Format_t get_constraint (const HyperRect< Format_t > &in)
 returns either min or max element depending on spec More...
uint packSpec (int xSpec, int ySpec, int tSpec)
template<typename Format_t >
Path< Format_t > solve (const Eigen::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &q0, const HyperRect< Format_t > &h, const Format_t r)
template<typename Format_t , int xSpec, int ySpec, int tSpec>
bool validate (const Eigen::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &q, const HyperRect< Format_t > &h)
template<typename Format_t , int spec, int idx>
bool validate_off (const Eigen::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &q, const HyperRect< Format_t > &h)


const uint INVALID_SPEC = 0x01 << 5

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 34 of file SpecPack.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 35 of file hyper_rect.h.

Function Documentation

uint mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper::boolToSpec ( bool  min,
bool  max 

Definition at line 49 of file SpecPack.h.

template<int xSpec, int ySpec, int tSpec, typename Format_t >
void mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper::build_target ( const HyperRect< Format_t > &  in,
Eigen::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &  out 

returns either min or max element depending on spec

Definition at line 44 of file Solver.hpp.

template<int spec, int idx, typename Format_t >
Format_t mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper::get_constraint ( const HyperRect< Format_t > &  in)

returns either min or max element depending on spec

Definition at line 36 of file Solver.hpp.

uint mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper::packSpec ( int  xSpec,
int  ySpec,
int  tSpec 

Definition at line 45 of file SpecPack.h.

template<typename Format_t >
Path<Format_t> mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper::solve ( const Eigen::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &  q0,
const HyperRect< Format_t > &  h,
const Format_t  r 

Definition at line 135 of file SolverIterator.hpp.

template<typename Format_t , int xSpec, int ySpec, int tSpec>
bool mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper::validate ( const Eigen::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &  q,
const HyperRect< Format_t > &  h 

Definition at line 49 of file SolverIterator.hpp.

template<typename Format_t , int spec, int idx>
bool mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper::validate_off ( const Eigen::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &  q,
const HyperRect< Format_t > &  h 

Definition at line 39 of file SolverIterator.hpp.

Variable Documentation

const uint mpblocks::dubins::curves_eigen::hyper::INVALID_SPEC = 0x01 << 5

Definition at line 35 of file SpecPack.h.