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 classes for solving dubins curves, optimal primitives for shortest path between two states of a dubins vehicle


template<SolutionId Id, typename Format_t >
__device__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::applySolver (const linalg::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &q0, const linalg::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &q1, const Format_t r, DistanceAndId< Format_t > &best)
template<SolutionId Id, typename Format_t >
__device__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::applySolver (const linalg::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &q0, const linalg::Matrix< Format_t, 3, 1 > &q1, const Format_t r, Format_t &best)
template<typename Format_t >
__global__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::distance_from_set (Params< Format_t > p, Format_t *g_in, unsigned int pitchIn, Format_t *g_out, unsigned int pitchOut, unsigned int n)
 batch-compute the distance from a batch of many dubins states to a single dubins state More...
template<typename Format_t >
__global__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::distance_from_set_debug (Params< Format_t > p, Format_t *g_in, unsigned int pitchIn, Format_t *g_out, unsigned int pitchOut, unsigned int n)
 batch-compute the distance from a batch of many dubins states to a single dubins state More...
template<typename Format_t >
__global__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::distance_from_set_with_id (Params< Format_t > p, Format_t *g_in, unsigned int pitchIn, Format_t *g_out, unsigned int pitchOut, unsigned int n)
 batch-compute the distance from a batch of many dubins states to a single dubins state More...
template<typename Format_t >
__global__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::distance_to_set (Params< Format_t > p, Format_t *g_in, unsigned int pitchIn, Format_t *g_out, unsigned int pitchOut, unsigned int n)
 batch-compute the distance from a single dubins state to a batch of many dubins states More...
template<typename Format_t >
__global__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::distance_to_set_debug (Params< Format_t > p, Format_t *g_in, unsigned int pitchIn, Format_t *g_out, unsigned int pitchOut, unsigned int n)
 batch-compute the distance from a single dubins state to a batch of many dubins states More...
template<typename Format_t >
__global__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::distance_to_set_with_id (Params< Format_t > p, Format_t *g_in, unsigned int pitchIn, Format_t *g_out, unsigned int pitchOut, unsigned int n)
 batch-compute the distance from a single dubins state to a batch of many dubins states More...
template<typename Format_t >
__global__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::group_distance_to_set (EuclideanParams< Format_t > p, Format_t *g_in, unsigned int pitchIn, Format_t *g_out, unsigned int pitchOut, unsigned int n)
 batch-compute the euclidean distance from a single dubins state to a batch of many dubins states More...
template<typename Format_t >
__global__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::group_distance_to_set_with_id (EuclideanParams< Format_t > p, Format_t *g_in, unsigned int pitchIn, Format_t *g_out, unsigned int pitchOut, unsigned int n)
 batch-compute the euclidean distance from a single dubins state to a batch of many dubins states More...
template<typename Format_t >
__device__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::writeSolution (DebugCurved< Format_t > &soln, Result< Format_t > &result, int off, int pitch, int idx, Format_t *g_out)
template<typename Format_t >
__device__ void mpblocks::dubins::curves_cuda::kernels::writeSolution (DebugStraight< Format_t > &soln, Result< Format_t > &result, int off, int pitch, int idx, Format_t *g_out)