cheshirekow  v0.1.0
fontconfig Namespace Reference




struct  Atomic
 traits class for FcAtomic wrapper Used for locking access to configuration files. Provides a safe way to update configuration files. More...
class  AtomicDelegate
 Used for locking access to configuration files. Provides a safe way to update configuration files. More...
struct  Blanks
 traits class for FcBlanks. holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to be blank More...
class  BlanksDelegate
 holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to be blank More...
struct  Cache
 traits class for FcCache Holds information about the fonts contained in a single directory. More...
class  CacheDelegate
 Holds information about the fonts contained in a single directory. More...
struct  CharSet
 Traits class for a charset. An CharSet is an abstract type that holds the set of encoded Unicode chars in a font. Operations to build and compare these sets are provided. More...
class  CharSetDelegate
 An CharSet is an abstract type that holds the set of encoded Unicode chars in a font. Operations to build and compare these sets are provided. More...
struct  Config
class  ConfigDelegate
 holds a complete configuration of the library; More...
struct  Constant
class  ConstantDelegate
class  ConstantList
 utility class for building a static list of ObjectTypes, replaces static allocation of a list of FcObjectType objects More...
class  ConstCPtr
 acts like a const c-pointer by overloading the ->() operator, but is not copyable and doesn't allow the underlying c-pointer to be copied More...
class  CPtr
 acts like a c-pointer by overloading the ->() operator, but is not copyable and doesn't allow the underlying c-pointer to be copied More...
struct  FontSet
 An FcFontSet simply holds a list of patterns; these are used to return the results of listing available fonts. More...
class  FontSetDelegate
 An FcFontSet simply holds a list of patterns; these are used to return the results of listing available fonts. More...
struct  LangSet
class  LangSetDelegate
 An LangSet is an abstract type that holds the set of languages supported by a font. More...
struct  LValuePair
 allows an error to be returned with a result in a single expression More...
struct  Matrix
 wraps FcMatrix with it's member methods More...
struct  ObjectSet
class  ObjectSetDelegate
 holds a set of names and is used to specify which fields from fonts are placed in the the list of returned patterns when listing fonts. More...
struct  ObjectType
class  ObjectTypeDelegate
 wraps FcObjectType More...
class  ObjectTypeList
 utility class for building a static list of ObjectTypes, replaces static allocation of a list of FcObjectType objects More...
struct  Pattern
 traits class for FcPattern holds a set of names with associated value lists; More...
class  PatternDelegate
 holds a set of names with associated value lists; More...
class  RefPtr
 object which acts like a c-pointer, but when dereferenced returns a delegate object which adds methods to the pointer More...
struct  RValuePair
 allows an error to be returned with a result in a single expression More...
class  String
class  StringOther
struct  StringOther< Char8_t * >
struct  StringOther< const Char8_t * >
struct  StrList
class  StrListDelegate
 used during enumeration to safely and correctly walk the list of strings even while that list is edited in the middle of enumeration. More...
struct  StrSet
class  StrSetDelegate
 holds a list of strings that can be appended to and enumerated. More...
struct  TypeMap
 Ensures typesafety of pattern add,get by mapping property keys to their type in a compile-time queriable map. More...


typedef int Bool_t
typedef unsigned short Char16_t
typedef unsigned int Char32_t
typedef unsigned char Char8_t
typedef String< const Char8_t * > ConstString_t
typedef endian::Endian Endian_t
typedef key::Key Key_t
typedef lang::Result LangResult_t
typedef match::MatchKind MatchKind_t
typedef int Object_t
typedef op::Op Op_t
typedef qual::Qual Qual_t
typedef result::Result Result_t
typedef setname::SetName SetName_t
typedef String< Char8_t * > String_t
typedef type::Type Type_t


Char32_t CharIndex (ft::RefPtr< ft::Face > face, Char32_t ucs4)
 map Unicode to glyph id More...
RefPtr< CharSetCharSetAndSpacing (ft::RefPtr< ft::Face >, RefPtr< Blanks > blanks, int *spacing)
 compute Unicode coverage and spacing type More...
bool dirScan (RefPtr< FontSet > set, RefPtr< StrSet > dirs, RefPtr< Blanks > blanks, const Char8_t *dir, bool force)
 scan a font directory without caching it More...
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (FAMILY, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (STYLE, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (SIZE, double)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (FOUNDRY, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (FILE, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (RASTERIZER, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (DPI, double)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (SOURCE, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (LANG, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (FULLNAME, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (FAMILYLANG, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (STYLELANG, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (CAPABILITY, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (FONTFORMAT, const Char8_t *)
 FCMM_MAP_KEY (NAMELANG, const Char8_t *)
bool fileIsDir (const Char8_t *file)
 check whether a file is a directory More...
bool fileScan (RefPtr< FontSet > set, RefPtr< StrSet > dirs, RefPtr< Blanks > blanks, const Char8_t *file, bool force)
 scan a font file More...
void fini ()
 finalize fontconfig library More...
RefPtr< CharSetGetCharSet (ft::RefPtr< ft::Face > face, RefPtr< Blanks > blanks)
 compute Unicode coverage More...
int getVersion ()
 library version number More...
bool init ()
 initialize fontconfig library More...
bool initBringUptoDate ()
 reload configuration files if needed More...
RefPtr< ConfiginitLoadConfig ()
 load configuration More...
RefPtr< ConfiginitLoadConfigAndFonts ()
 load configuration and font data More...
bool initReinitialize ()
 re-initialize library More...
Matrix operator* (const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b)
 multiply matricies More...
bool operator== (const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b)
 test for equality More...
RefPtr< PatternQuery (const Char8_t *file, int id, RefPtr< Blanks > blanks, int *count)
 compute pattern from font file (and index) More...
RefPtr< PatternQueryFace (const ft::RefPtr< ft::Face > &face, const Char8_t *file, int id, RefPtr< Blanks > blanks)
 compute pattern from FT_Face More...


const char *const ANTIALIAS = "antialias"
 Bool (depends) More...
const char *const ASPECT = "aspect"
 Double. More...
const char *const AUTOHINT = "autohint"
 Bool (false) More...
const char *const CACHE_SUFFIX = ".cache-3"
const char *const CACHE_VERSION = "3"
const char *const CAPABILITY = "capability"
 String. More...
const char *const CHAR_HEIGHT = "charheight"
 Int. More...
const char *const CHAR_WIDTH = "charwidth"
 Int. More...
const char *const CHARSET = "charset"
 CharSet. More...
const char *const DECORATIVE = "decorative"
 Bool - true if style is a decorative variant. More...
const char *const DIR_CACHE_FILE = "fonts.cache-3"
const char *const DPI = "dpi"
 double More...
const char *const EMBEDDED_BITMAP = "embeddedbitmap"
 Bool - true to enable embedded bitmaps. More...
const char *const EMBOLDEN = "embolden"
 Bool - true if emboldening needed. More...
const char *const FAMILY = "family"
 property keys More...
const char *const FAMILYLANG = "familylang"
 String RFC 3066 langs. More...
const char *const FILE = "file"
 String. More...
const char *const FONTFORMAT = "fontformat"
 String. More...
const char *const FONTVERSION = "fontversion"
 Int from 'head' table. More...
const char *const FOUNDRY = "foundry"
 String. More...
const char *const FT_FACE = "ftface"
 FT_Face. More...
const char *const FULLNAME = "fullname"
 String. More...
const char *const FULLNAMELANG = "fullnamelang"
 String RFC 3066 langs. More...
const char *const GLOBAL_ADVANCE = "globaladvance"
 Bool (true) More...
const char *const HINT_STYLE = "hintstyle"
 Int. More...
const char *const HINTING = "hinting"
 Bool (true) More...
const char *const INDEX = "index"
 Int. More...
const char *const LANG = "lang"
 String RFC 3066 langs. More...
const char *const LCD_FILTER = "lcdfilter"
 Int. More...
const unsigned int MAJOR = 2
const char *const MATRIX = "matrix"
 FcMatrix. More...
const unsigned int MINOR = 10
const char *const MINSPACE = "minspace"
 Bool use minimum line spacing. More...
const char *const NAMELANG = "namelang"
 String RFC 3866 langs. More...
const char *const OUTLINE = "outline"
 Bool. More...
const char *const PIXEL_SIZE = "pixelsize"
 Double. More...
const char *const RASTERIZER = "rasterizer"
 String. More...
const unsigned int REVISION = 0
const char *const RGBA = "rgba"
 Int. More...
const char *const SCALABLE = "scalable"
 Bool. More...
const char *const SCALE = "scale"
 double More...
const char *const SIZE = "size"
 Double. More...
const char *const SLANT = "slant"
 Int. More...
const char *const SOURCE = "source"
 String (deprecated) More...
const char *const SPACING = "spacing"
 Int. More...
const char *const STYLE = "style"
 String. More...
const char *const STYLELANG = "stylelang"
 String RFC 3066 langs. More...
const char *const USER_CACHE_FILE = ".fonts.cache-3"
const unsigned int UTF8_MAX_LEN = 6
const unsigned int VERSION = ((MAJOR * 10000) + (MINOR * 100) + (REVISION))
const char *const VERTICAL_LAYOUT = "verticallayout"
 Bool (false) More...
const char *const WEIGHT = "weight"
 Int. More...
const char *const WIDTH = "width"
 Int. More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef int fontconfig::Bool_t

Definition at line 68 of file common.h.

typedef unsigned short fontconfig::Char16_t

Definition at line 66 of file common.h.

typedef unsigned int fontconfig::Char32_t

Definition at line 67 of file common.h.

typedef unsigned char fontconfig::Char8_t

Definition at line 65 of file common.h.

Definition at line 96 of file String.h.

Definition at line 395 of file common.h.

Definition at line 166 of file common.h.

Definition at line 353 of file common.h.

Definition at line 297 of file common.h.

typedef int fontconfig::Object_t

Definition at line 69 of file common.h.

Definition at line 337 of file common.h.

Definition at line 313 of file common.h.

Definition at line 370 of file common.h.

Definition at line 384 of file common.h.

Definition at line 95 of file String.h.

Definition at line 283 of file common.h.

Function Documentation

Char32_t fontconfig::CharIndex ( ft::RefPtr< ft::Face face,
Char32_t  ucs4 

map Unicode to glyph id

Maps a Unicode char to a glyph index. This function uses information from several possible underlying encoding tables to work around broken fonts. As a result, this function isn't designed to be used in performance sensitive areas; results from this function are intended to be cached by higher level functions.

RefPtr<CharSet> fontconfig::CharSetAndSpacing ( ft::RefPtr< ft::Face ,
RefPtr< Blanks >  blanks,
int *  spacing 

compute Unicode coverage and spacing type

Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. This scans several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. If 'blanks' is not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs not in 'blanks' are not placed in the returned FcCharSet. spacing receives the computed spacing type of the font, one of FC_MONO for a font where all glyphs have the same width, FC_DUAL, where the font has glyphs in precisely two widths, one twice as wide as the other, or FC_PROPORTIONAL where the font has glyphs of many widths.

bool fontconfig::dirScan ( RefPtr< FontSet >  set,
RefPtr< StrSet >  dirs,
RefPtr< Blanks >  blanks,
const Char8_t *  dir,
bool  force 

scan a font directory without caching it

If cache is not zero or if force is FcFalse, this function currently returns FcFalse. Otherwise, it scans an entire directory and adds all fonts found to set. Any subdirectories found are added to dirs. Calling this function does not create any cache files. Use FcDirCacheRead() if caching is desired.

fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( FAMILY  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( STYLE  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( SLANT  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( WEIGHT  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( SIZE  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( ASPECT  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( PIXEL_SIZE  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( SPACING  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( FOUNDRY  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( ANTIALIAS  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( HINTING  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( HINT_STYLE  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( AUTOHINT  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( WIDTH  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( FILE  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( INDEX  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( RASTERIZER  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( OUTLINE  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( SCALABLE  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( SCALE  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( DPI  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( RGBA  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( MINSPACE  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( SOURCE  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( CHARSET  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( LANG  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( FULLNAME  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( FAMILYLANG  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( STYLELANG  ,
const Char8_t *   
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( CAPABILITY  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( FONTFORMAT  ,
const Char8_t *   
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( EMBOLDEN  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( DECORATIVE  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( LCD_FILTER  ,
fontconfig::FCMM_MAP_KEY ( NAMELANG  ,
const Char8_t *   
bool fontconfig::fileIsDir ( const Char8_t *  file)

check whether a file is a directory

Returns FcTrue if file is a directory, otherwise returns FcFalse.

bool fontconfig::fileScan ( RefPtr< FontSet >  set,
RefPtr< StrSet >  dirs,
RefPtr< Blanks >  blanks,
const Char8_t *  file,
bool  force 

scan a font file

Scans a single file and adds all fonts found to set. If force is FcTrue, then the file is scanned even if associated information is found in cache. If file is a directory, it is added to dirs. Whether fonts are found depends on fontconfig policy as well as the current configuration. Internally, fontconfig will ignore BDF and PCF fonts which are not in Unicode (or the effectively equivalent ISO Latin-1) encoding as those are not usable by Unicode-based applications. The configuration can ignore fonts based on filename or contents of the font file itself. Returns FcFalse if any of the fonts cannot be added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue.

void fontconfig::fini ( )

finalize fontconfig library

Frees all data structures allocated by previous calls to fontconfig functions. Fontconfig returns to an uninitialized state, requiring a new call to one of the FcInit functions before any other fontconfig function may be called.

RefPtr<CharSet> fontconfig::GetCharSet ( ft::RefPtr< ft::Face face,
RefPtr< Blanks >  blanks 

compute Unicode coverage

Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. This scans several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. If 'blanks' is not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs not in 'blanks' are not placed in the returned FcCharSet.

int fontconfig::getVersion ( )

library version number

Returns the version number of the library.

bool fontconfig::init ( )

initialize fontconfig library

Loads the default configuration file and the fonts referenced therein and sets the default configuration to that result. Returns whether this process succeeded or not. If the default configuration has already been loaded, this routine does nothing and returns FcTrue.

bool fontconfig::initBringUptoDate ( )

reload configuration files if needed

Checks the rescan interval in the default configuration, checking the configuration if the interval has passed and reloading the configuration if when any changes are detected. Returns FcFalse if the configuration cannot be reloaded (see FcInitReinitialize). Otherwise returns FcTrue.

RefPtr<Config> fontconfig::initLoadConfig ( )

load configuration

Loads the default configuration file and returns the resulting configuration. Does not load any font information.

RefPtr<Config> fontconfig::initLoadConfigAndFonts ( )

load configuration and font data

Loads the default configuration file and builds information about the available fonts. Returns the resulting configuration.

bool fontconfig::initReinitialize ( )

re-initialize library

Forces the default configuration file to be reloaded and resets the default configuration. Returns FcFalse if the configuration cannot be reloaded (due to configuration file errors, allocation failures or other issues) and leaves the existing configuration unchanged. Otherwise returns FcTrue.

Matrix fontconfig::operator* ( const Matrix &  a,
const Matrix &  b 

multiply matricies

bool fontconfig::operator== ( const Matrix &  a,
const Matrix &  b 

test for equality

RefPtr<Pattern> fontconfig::Query ( const Char8_t *  file,
int  id,
RefPtr< Blanks >  blanks,
int *  count 

compute pattern from font file (and index)

Constructs a pattern representing the 'id'th font in 'file'. The number of fonts in 'file' is returned in 'count'.

RefPtr<Pattern> fontconfig::QueryFace ( const ft::RefPtr< ft::Face > &  face,
const Char8_t *  file,
int  id,
RefPtr< Blanks >  blanks 

compute pattern from FT_Face

Constructs a pattern representing 'face'. 'file' and 'id' are used solely as data for pattern elements (FC_FILE, FC_INDEX and sometimes FC_FAMILY).

Variable Documentation

const char* const fontconfig::ANTIALIAS = "antialias"

Bool (depends)

Definition at line 81 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::ASPECT = "aspect"


Definition at line 77 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::AUTOHINT = "autohint"

Bool (false)

Definition at line 85 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::CACHE_SUFFIX = ".cache-3"

Definition at line 175 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::CACHE_VERSION = "3"

Current font cache file format version This is appended to the cache files so that multiple versions of the library will peacefully coexist

Change this value whenever the disk format for the cache file changes in any non-compatible way. Try to avoid such changes as it means multiple copies of the font information.

Definition at line 62 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::CAPABILITY = "capability"


Definition at line 108 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::CHAR_HEIGHT = "charheight"


Definition at line 181 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::CHAR_WIDTH = "charwidth"


Definition at line 180 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::CHARSET = "charset"


Definition at line 101 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::DECORATIVE = "decorative"

Bool - true if style is a decorative variant.

Definition at line 112 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::DIR_CACHE_FILE = "fonts.cache-3"

Definition at line 176 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::DPI = "dpi"


Definition at line 97 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::EMBEDDED_BITMAP = "embeddedbitmap"

Bool - true to enable embedded bitmaps.

Definition at line 111 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::EMBOLDEN = "embolden"

Bool - true if emboldening needed.

Definition at line 110 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FAMILY = "family"

property keys


Definition at line 72 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FAMILYLANG = "familylang"

String RFC 3066 langs.

Definition at line 105 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FILE = "file"


Definition at line 90 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FONTFORMAT = "fontformat"


Definition at line 109 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FONTVERSION = "fontversion"

Int from 'head' table.

Definition at line 103 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FOUNDRY = "foundry"


Definition at line 80 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FT_FACE = "ftface"


Definition at line 92 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FULLNAME = "fullname"


Definition at line 104 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::FULLNAMELANG = "fullnamelang"

String RFC 3066 langs.

Definition at line 107 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::GLOBAL_ADVANCE = "globaladvance"

Bool (true)

Definition at line 88 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::HINT_STYLE = "hintstyle"


Definition at line 83 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::HINTING = "hinting"

Bool (true)

Definition at line 82 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::INDEX = "index"


Definition at line 91 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::LANG = "lang"

String RFC 3066 langs.

Definition at line 102 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::LCD_FILTER = "lcdfilter"


Definition at line 113 of file common.h.

const unsigned int fontconfig::MAJOR = 2

Definition at line 48 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::MATRIX = "matrix"


Definition at line 182 of file common.h.

const unsigned int fontconfig::MINOR = 10

Definition at line 49 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::MINSPACE = "minspace"

Bool use minimum line spacing.

Definition at line 99 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::NAMELANG = "namelang"

String RFC 3866 langs.

Definition at line 114 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::OUTLINE = "outline"


Definition at line 94 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::PIXEL_SIZE = "pixelsize"


Definition at line 78 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::RASTERIZER = "rasterizer"


Definition at line 93 of file common.h.

const unsigned int fontconfig::REVISION = 0

Definition at line 50 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::RGBA = "rgba"


Definition at line 98 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::SCALABLE = "scalable"


Definition at line 95 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::SCALE = "scale"


Definition at line 96 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::SIZE = "size"


Definition at line 76 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::SLANT = "slant"


Definition at line 74 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::SOURCE = "source"

String (deprecated)

Definition at line 100 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::SPACING = "spacing"


Definition at line 79 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::STYLE = "style"


Definition at line 73 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::STYLELANG = "stylelang"

String RFC 3066 langs.

Definition at line 106 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::USER_CACHE_FILE = ".fonts.cache-3"

Definition at line 177 of file common.h.

const unsigned int fontconfig::UTF8_MAX_LEN = 6

Definition at line 34 of file string.h.

const unsigned int fontconfig::VERSION = ((MAJOR * 10000) + (MINOR * 100) + (REVISION))

Definition at line 51 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::VERTICAL_LAYOUT = "verticallayout"

Bool (false)

Definition at line 84 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::WEIGHT = "weight"


Definition at line 75 of file common.h.

const char* const fontconfig::WIDTH = "width"


Definition at line 89 of file common.h.