cheshirekow  v0.1.0
line_walker.hpp File Reference
#include <edelsbrunner96/line_walker.h>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <edelsbrunner96/simplex.hpp>

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template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
void edelsbrunner96::BreadthFirstSearch (typename Traits::Storage &storage, typename Traits::SimplexRef simplex_ref, OutputIterator out)
 Get a list of all simplices by breadth first search starting at simplex_ref. More...
template<typename Traits , typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator >
void edelsbrunner96::FeatureWalk (typename Traits::Storage &storage, typename Traits::SimplexRef s_0, InputIterator Vf_begin, InputIterator Vf_end, OutputIterator out)
 Given a sub-simplex feature and a simplex adjacent to that feature, enumerate all simplices that are adjacent to that feature. More...
template<typename Traits , class OutputIterator >
void edelsbrunner96::FuzzyWalk (typename Traits::Storage &storage, const typename Traits::SimplexRef s_0, const typename Traits::Point &x_q, const typename Traits::Scalar epsilon, OutputIterator out)
 Given a simplex in a triangulation and a query point, walk the triangulation in the direction of x_q until we find the set of simplices that the query intersects. More...
template<typename Traits , class OutputIterator >
void edelsbrunner96::FuzzyWalk_ (typename Traits::Storage &storage, const typename Traits::SimplexRef s_0, const typename Traits::Point &x_q, const typename Traits::Scalar epsilon, std::list< typename Traits::SimplexRef > &search_queue, OutputIterator out)
 Implementation, exposed so that the search_queue can be examined in tests. More...
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
void edelsbrunner96::GetVisibleHull (typename Traits::Storage &storage, typename Traits::SimplexRef s_0, const typename Traits::Point &x_q, OutputIterator out)
 Starting at some x-visible hull simplex, return a list of all x-visible hull simplices. More...
template<class Traits >
bool edelsbrunner96::IsVisible (typename Traits::Storage &storage, typename Traits::SimplexRef s_ref, const typename Traits::Point &x_q, typename Traits::Scalar epsilon=0.0)
 Given a hull simplex, return true if it is visible by the query point. More...
template<typename Traits >
Traits::SimplexRef edelsbrunner96::LineWalk (typename Traits::Storage &storage, typename Traits::SimplexRef s_0, const typename Traits::Point &p)
 Starting at the median point of simplex s_0, walk the triangulation in the direction of p until the simplex containing p is found. Return that simplex. Note that the returned simplex may be an "infinite" simplex, i.e. a sentinal for a boundary facet of the convex hull. More...

Detailed Description

Sept 22, 2014
Josh Bialkowski (

Definition in file line_walker.hpp.