cheshirekow  v0.1.0
is_call_possible.h File Reference

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struct  kw::CanConvertTo< SourceType, TargetType >
class  kw::CanConvertTo< SourceType, TargetType >::No
class  kw::CanConvertTo< SourceType, TargetType >::Yes
struct  kw::details::clone_constness< src_type, dest_type >
 Template meta function, copy's "const" from src_type to dest_type. More...
struct  kw::details::clone_constness< const src_type, dest_type >
 Template meta function, copy's "const" from src_type to dest_type. Specialization for when src_type is const. More...
class  kw::details::void_exp_result< type >
class  kw::has_member< Type >
 Template metafunction, ::result evaluates to true if Type has a function call operator member. More...
struct  kw::has_member< Type >::DummyFnCallOperator
 Very simply, a class which has a function call operator. More...
struct  kw::has_member< Type >::HasAtLeastOneFnCallOperator
 This class derives from both the argument of the meta function, and a class which we know has a function call operator. More...
class  kw::has_member< Type >::Helper< T, t >
 This template only exists for a pair of template parameters where the type of the second parameter is equivalent to the first parameter. More...
class  kw::has_member< Type >::no
class  kw::has_member< Type >::yes
struct  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >
struct  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::derived
 A class which will definitely have a function call operator. If type has a function call operator then derived will also have that same operator available; If type does not have a function call operator, then the only function call operator available to derived is the one returning a no. More...
struct  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::Dispatcher< Mid, Tail >
struct  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::Dispatcher< Tail >
struct  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::impl< HasFnCallOperator, F >
 Default template, HasFnCallOperator is false so obviously no function call is possible. More...
struct  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::impl< true, r(args...)>
class  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::no
struct  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::return_value_check< T, DesiredReturnType >
 Provides a member function deduce() which accepts any parameters and whose return type is always no except for when the single parameter matches DesiredReturnType More...
struct  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::return_value_check< T, void >
 If the desired return type is void, then we will ignore the return value of the function call anyway, so it doesn't matter what the return value is... Any return value will be compatable. More...
class  kw::is_call_possible< type, call_details >::yes


 classes and templates used by kwargs library


template<typename type , typename U >
U const & kw::details::operator, (U const &, void_exp_result< type >)
template<typename type , typename U >
U & kw::details::operator, (U &, void_exp_result< type >)